What is your greatest victory in life (so far)?
The physical accomplishments:
- made into a cup one time for pong but no one was watching
- learning to touch my nose with my tongue
- eating a large pizza by myself
- complimented by my high school rugby coach
The recurring theme of sleep marked many of these students' greatest victories in life (!):
- getting out of bed every morning
- waking up early
- I slept 18 hours once
Accomplishments that could be a line on a CV:
- finishing military service (<-- li="" wow="">
- published a first-author paper (<-- li="" wow="">
- got an hourly wage of $100 (<-- li="" nice="">
And then there are the others. Some people noted an interesting event that they really had no choice in ("being born" or "I won $50 in a scratch-off lottery"). Also, I find it very culturally revealing that many of these smart, academically-accomplished adults mark their greatest achievement as "maintaining a committed X-year relationship".
The dependable brown-nosing answer this time was "not getting lotteried out of [this class]".
The absolutely, utterly nerdiest award goes to the student whose greatest victory in life so far is "apperceptive unity."
I thought the thing that was killing orangutans was palm oil (well, habitat loss due to production of). I believe that this should be slotted a few slots higher?
Good point, though I think this comment belongs on the post "What is the worst food additive?" --- which I've edited to move orangutan-killing palm oil higher.
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