What is your personal motto?
The earnest take several forms, the positive charge:
- always be the best version of yourself
- channel negative emotions into something productive
- live happily
- live slow
- enjoy
- work smarter, not harder
... the negative (admonitions):
- don't be afraid of anything
- don't worry about things that don't matter
- don't leave yourself with any regret.
- don't disguise your fear as impracticality
... and the neutral mottos which are not commands:
- all life/sentience is sacred
- resilience
- truthfulness forbearance compassion
- time wasted doing something you enjoy isn't wasted
- non nobis domine
Then there are the cultural references:
- just keep swimming (<-- li="" popular="" response="" this="" was="">
- get schwifty
Then there were the stalwart replies, dependably occurring for every question. No matter what question I ask, someone answers with "sleep" (in this case, the motto "sleep is important".) Someone else always writes answers that center on the class (motto: "do algorithms"). At least one person goes for maximum psychological darkness (motto: "society sucks and everyone dies"). There's always at least one person who goes full-throttle academic (motto: "intuitions without concepts are blind"), who is counterbalanced by the jokers ("what's a motto with you?" and "Born too late to explore the seas, born too early to explore the stars, born right in time to browse DANK MEMES.")
I was amused to see both "moderation is boring" and "everything is good in moderation." This duo of answers wins the synergy award.