Tuesday, April 2, 2024

What is the best time of day for studying?

 I take attendance by asking students a question. (Previously 2019.)

What is the best time of day for studying?

Sorted by time, we had:

  • 3am
  • morning (x5)
  • late morning
  • midday (x2)
  • 3pm
  • afternoon in Johlberg
  • post nap
  • 5pm
  • 5:15pm
  • after dinner
  • 7pm
  • evening
  • night (x7)
  • midnight
  • all times
  • anytime
  • after class

The specificity of to-the-minute accuracy on "best time" makes it sound like the optimal studying lasts only 1 minute, and by 5:16pm it has passed. That's worrying from an academic viewpoint.

This post's theme word is whelm (v tr), "to submerge; to overcome; to overwhelm." Study time whelms the student calendar.

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