What is your personal motto?
This year had a different tone than last year.
The positive:
- be happy
- don't give up
- You can do it.
The cultural references:
- Hakuna matata
- deus vult
- That's my secret, I'm always dancing.
- age quod agis
- just keep swimming
- You do you.
Those aiming for moderation:
- no worries
- it's gonna be okay
- whatevs
- Everything is okay.
- #flawless
- Learn. Think. Create.
- while (alive) { live() }
The climbing-based mottos for climbers who climb enough to justify a climbing-based personal motto, which to my astonishment is a set containing more than one student:
- More chalk
- Always heel hook
The unfortunate: "sleep deprived since 2014!"
The decidedly pessimistic note goes to "Never address your problems," and the could-go-either-way pin goes to "Don't care unless it helps you."
The Non-Sequit-Award is tied between "look at dogs a bunch" and simply "bird". (Is "bird" a verb now? What are these youths doing with language nowadays? *shakes fist at sky, mumbles to self*)
This post's theme word is bovarism (n), "a romanticized, unrealistic view of oneself." My motto: be the bovarism I think I am already!