Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What animal goes on your family crest?

I take attendance by having the students answer a question. I try to pique their interest, spark their imagination, and give them a chance to make a silly joke. I try. Student responses, as you have seen, vary.

What animal goes on your family crest?

Actual animals, ranging from more standard crest-fare to less:

  • wolf
  • lion
  • dragon
  • my dog
  • a husky (no, not ripping off the Starks. We have a husky)
  • shiba 💙
  • my pet parakeet Snowwhite
  • llama
  • a camel
  • a very small cat
  • a mole
  • penguin
  • blind molerat
  • the worst one
  • dodo bird
  • the best one

Not animals, but apparently crest-worthy:

  • pillows
  • plants

Opting out:

  • I don't have a family crest
  • what is a family crest?

I appreciate the extra detail in the description "a fox between theater masks," although additional style points would be awarded for use of crest descriptors like "rampant", "X on a field of Y", or "X quartered with Y".

This week's winner is pink fairy armadillo. I'd join in a parade with such a crest.

This post's theme word is brummagem (adj), "cheap and showy," or (n), "something that is counterfeit or of inferior quality." My homebrew crest was a visually-incomprehensible brummagem of assorted flourishes, animals, figures, geometric shapes, and other crests.

What is the first word you spoke aloud?

I take attendance by having the students answer a question.

What is the first word you spoke aloud?

  • cheese
  • cat
  • mommy
  • app
  • photosynthesis
  • 为什么 
  • 역ㅯ
  • 丈子
  • 日本語
  • clock
  • 仍叮
  • ni
  • yo
  • 丈马
Apologies if I mis-transcribed the non-Latin characters. I'm pretty sure that "app" was a joke, but I am suspicious that this is not outside the realm of possibility.

This post's theme word is pullulate, "to sprout or breed," or "to swarm or teem," or "to increase rapidly." The pullulating family featured many ullulating infants.