What animal goes on your family crest?
Actual animals, ranging from more standard crest-fare to less:
- wolf
- lion
- dragon
- my dog
- a husky (no, not ripping off the Starks. We have a husky)
- shiba 💙
- my pet parakeet Snowwhite
- llama
- a camel
- a very small cat
- a mole
- penguin
- blind molerat
- the worst one
- dodo bird
- the best one
Not animals, but apparently crest-worthy:
- pillows
- plants
Opting out:
- I don't have a family crest
- what is a family crest?
I appreciate the extra detail in the description "a fox between theater masks," although additional style points would be awarded for use of crest descriptors like "rampant", "X on a field of Y", or "X quartered with Y".
This week's winner is pink fairy armadillo. I'd join in a parade with such a crest.
This post's theme word is brummagem (adj), "cheap and showy," or (n), "something that is counterfeit or of inferior quality." My homebrew crest was a visually-incomprehensible brummagem of assorted flourishes, animals, figures, geometric shapes, and other crests.