Friday, February 8, 2013

Winter storm Nemo

This morning I checked the weather, then unpacked my fancy spherical skiing goggles and deployed my full-head fleece layers in the Mom-Patent-Pending "seamless" arrangement. The only thing showing was the tip of my nose.

The streets and sidewalks were unplowed, thick fluffy white snow. Then I trudged --- faster movement not possible given the relative heights of my knees and the snowdrifts --- to work. What joy! What rapture! What shoulder-borne snow collections!
A delighted morning commuter!
If you look closely into my awesome fog-free goggles, you can see a double thumbs-up for the weather! Plus the wide snowy field outside this castle, whither I am bound.

This post's theme word is kyirked stoor, an Orkney term for snow when accompanied by wind which whirls the snowflakes. She skipped merrily through the kyirked stoor to her cold, windowless cinderblock cell. (See more delightful Orkney weather words here, where I"ve sent you before.)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Snow frolic!

This morning's ongoing snowfall is thick, fluffy, and marvelous. I peer out from the castle fortifications (and home of the gym, my morning ritual obeisance paid) and glory in the blanketed landscape.
Look at this magnificent framing. Look at this arch. Look at this naked tree. Look at ALL THIS SNOW. It's pure joy, damping the sounds of the city and encouraging the non-arctic people to scurry inside. This leaves all the delightful snow outside, with me!


This post's theme word is scrobiculate, "having many small grooves; furrowed." The snow plow rendered the street scrobiculate but not substantially safer, as snow continued to fall in its wake.