Monday, February 7, 2011

More nice writing: Jerry Holkins

Jerry Holkins is a man who knows his way around a sentence, often by leaving gigantic sesquipedalian monoliths strewn hither and thither to mark his loquacious route. See for example this:
My mind is generally in geosynchronous orbit, watching the unseemly exertions of this body with my metaphorical nose wrinkled in disgust, engaged in cognition about cognition and issuing rudimentary commands over the high-latency link. I wish very much that this last sentence felt less true.
Doesn't your heart leap at such prose?

Well, mine does.

This post's theme phrase is ex cathedra, "spoken with authority" (adverb/adjective). I read Tycho's posts in an ex cathedra tone.

Bok choi and dumpling soup

Thanks to M. for describing how to make this bok choi and dumpling soup just right.See how delicious?

This post's theme word is machicolation, "a projecting parapet supported by corbels on a medieval castle, with openings through which stones or boiling water could be dropped on an enemy." Thou durst not waste dumpling soup in use at the machicolation.
This post written like Cory Doctorow.