If you were a superhero, what power would you have? (previously)
- invisibility
- fly (x3)
- mind control
- telekinesis
- teleportation (x4)
- time travel (x2)
- painless and instant shapeshifting
- technically you can shapeshift into a version of yourself with every power ever, so is that cheating?
- all possible powers
Extremely traditional award goes to "water to wine". Less traditional but reasonably-scoped version of "time travel" is just "actual ability to use time management", which might be my favorite low-stakes superpower.
- power to defeat all LeetCode hard questions
- A in this class :)
- The Gardener - plant communication
- cloning
- to always have exactly as much money as I need
- food generation
- eating w/o negative effects fooood
- to teach PA drivers how not to be completely incompetent
- no sleep
- be good at math
- super cool breath
The Professor's Side-Eye award goes to "using hash maps in class" because we just talked about this and no, you absolutely may not.
This post's theme word is yentz (v tr), "to cheat." Shapeshifting to a "form" that has different powers seems like a wish-for-more-wishes sort of yentz.