Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
The unsure:
- who dat
- no idea
- Wonderful question, I'm from the South.
Some students suggested a good collection of places I'm totally willing to go in an around-the-world montage/vacation:
- Toledo, Spain
- San Jose
- Los Angeles
- San Diego
- Cornfield, USA (<-- --="" an="" challenge:="" finding="" have="" i="" li="" location="" might="" slightly="" such="" trouble="" underspecified="">
Swarthmore-specific answers, of course:
- Clothier
- Swarthmore
- Willets 325
- on my comp in 2005
- here<-- attendance="" be="" for="" just="" li="" might="" present="" registering="" someone="">
--> - Bell Tower
- in class
This post's theme word is retral (adj), "located at the back" or "backward." The professor calls on the retral students first, so sit near the front!