How many cats is too many cats?
Many people picked an integer from 1 to 20.
How many cats is too many cats? Negative-attitude answers included:
- "1 (I'm allergic)"
- "0 --> there needs to be less aka cats--;"
- ":("
How many cats is too many cats? Positive-attitude answers included:
- "∞"
- "does not exist"
- "when you run out of space"
- "cats, 10 -- kittens, ∞"
- "when n∈N"
How many cats is too many cats? I'm not sure how to interpret:
- "2√"
- "-1"
- "7.53689243781197942"
- "log(cat)"
This post's theme word is apricate (v), "to bask in the sun" or "to expose to the sun." The apartment was draped with apricating cats.