Friday, June 26, 2009

Toronto Nautical Festival

This is how I spent my Sunday: photographing R. photographing boats.
It was the Toronto Nautical Festival. We witnessed the lovely Empire Sandy cruise around and shoot her cannons twice. (The first time, I joked: "As she passes that ship, they open fire on each other and the crews swing from rigging to rigging brandishing cutlasses." Then the cannons fired. It was eerie and neat. No swordplay ensued, though, to everyone's great disappointment.)

We also managed to sign up for a free 45 minute ride on a sailboat (R., please correct me if that is the wrong boat-term), which was nice and breezy. The day was hot and sunny, words too simple to explain the discomfort of the weather. We got sunburned on all of R. and a tiny corner of me that didn't have enough sunscreen.

This post's theme word: reeve, "to pass a rope through."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Official documents

I picked up my diploma today. Now I have a fancy piece of paper labelling me a master of science. Should it join my other fancy piece of paper labelling me a bachelor (in a closet), or be displayed?

Amusingly enough, I also received a letter from the department congratulating me... on receiving my Ph.D. (That was so easy! And fast!) The letter accompanied a nice metal Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto business card holder, which I first thought was a cigarette case. I wonder if it will set off metal detectors at the airport.

This post's theme comic illustrates the research degree hierarchy: MSc < PhD < black belt.