Monday, May 20, 2019

Yet in the House

Yeti in the House is a game where a little yeti meeple is hidden, partially visible, and must be located on the basis solely of a (post-processed) photo taken of it in situ.

Yeti in dense foliage.

Yeti in a bit of a dirty location.

Yeti in a modern built environment.

This post's theme word is scrooch (v), "to crouch or huddle" or "to squeeze." The yeti scrooched behind some desktop debris.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

What is the longest amount of time you have gone without using the internet?

I take attendance by having the students answer a question.

What is the longest amount of time you have gone without using the internet?

Heuristic answers:
  • during class (sometimes 😉)
  • a little while
  • not long

Time to first computer usage from birth:

  • ~4 years before first using a computer
  • probably the first 6-7 years of my life
  • 9 years (the first 9 years of my life)
  • 14 years before I got my first phone
  • 30 years (<-- 30="" a="" aged="" could="" editor="" have="" how="" i="" idea="" li="" no="" note:="" person="" reply="" s="" this="">

Time of longest non-internet "break" since first computer usage:

  • one hour
  • a day
  • 21 hours, cross-continent flight
  • 2 days
  • maybe like 48 hours?
  • 4 days
  • a week
  • two weeks
  • 2 weeks (summer camp in a mountain)
  • A couple weeks? But I'd love to try going w/o it for a longer time.
  • 3 months
One student wrote "∞". I have corresponded with this student by email; I wonder if, on their end, they had the messages transcribed and then read aloud to them by a personal, permanent "internet secretary"? Actually, I'm pretty sure I have watched this student load a webpage during class in a computer lab, so maybe this is just reporting error...

Winning comedic/situationally-funny response: "The times that eduroam is out..."

I previously asked this question in 2017.

This post's theme word is floccipend (v tr), "to regard as worthless." They floccipend internet downtimes.