Friday, January 20, 2017

Spectacular sunset

Really spectacular sunset today.

I mean, the sun set in its usual way (by having my reference frame zoom to point away), but the intervening atmosphere was full of some sort of pollutant or airborne ooze that gave the light Renaissance-ceiling levels of cloud coloration.

This post's theme word is faience (n), "glazed earthenware, especially decorated tin-glazed pottery." The colors reminded me of ornate faience.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

What is the best present you ever received?

I take attendance by having the students answer a question.

What is the best present you ever received?

Many mentioned objects:
  • a dog
  • a puppy [ed. note: age specificity appreciated!]
  • a tablet
  • an iPad
  • a Mac
  • GameCube
  • blanket
  • socks
  • ramen
  • a physics book
  • all the white chocolate chips
  • red button-down onesie
  • scarf
  • nice headphones
Some mentioned trips:
  • a trip to Canada
  • a surprise visit
  • tickets to Barcelona vs Bayern Munich
  • tickets to go see Hamilton
Or other ephemera:
  • education
  • time with good friends
  • school
  • I forgot
  • taking CS46 [ed. note: early brown-nosing appreciated]
  • love 💙
  • family

But the sweetest by far were the ones who said the best present they ever received was "life." Awwwww.

This post's theme word is lief (adv.), "willingly; gladly; readily" or (adj.), "dear, beloved" or "willing." I would just as lief receive a onesie as a scarf.