Wednesday, September 21, 2016

What color is your favorite color?

I take attendance by having students answer a question.

What color is your favorite color?

Most popular answer: "blue". Black was a close second, and several varieties of purple were described.

Answer from student automatically my favorite: "blue green :)".

Intriguing answer: "light tan". Unusual color, and very specific about it.

Made the CS professor laugh: "#ffffff".

This post's theme word is puce, (n.) "a dark red or brownish purple color" or (adj) "of this color." The school sweatshirt is not puce and silver, it is garnet and gray!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Professorial cackle

"This problem seems to be really hard."


"Is it going to be on the homework?"

Exit Professor Lila, cackling.

This post's theme word is mythomane (n/adj), "(one) having a tendency to exaggerate or lie." The mythomane response to all questions is, "Yes, thanks for reminding me --- I'll definitely include that on the exam!"