Sunday, September 4, 2016

Blandness is contextual and waning

It was always temporary, of course.

For those keeping tabs, I am more bland at faculty meetings and less bland while teaching. Evidently I am more comfortable being myself in a setting where I am in control.

... surprising absolutely no one.

This post's theme word is exuvia, "the cast-off outer skin of an arthropod after a moult." Beware the professorial exuvia, it's gross and very common on college campuses.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Sky in mirrored skyscrapers

It feels vertiginously large and expansive.

The sky above the city is fantastic.

This post's theme word is mullion, "a vertical piece of stone/metal/wood/etc., dividing a window or other opening." Just check out those minimalist mullions on the skyscrapers!