Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Doctor did it! He saved us!

I guess that all the media hype about an apocalypse has --- unbelievably, yet again --- come to naught. Either that, or the Doctor saved us yet again.

Back to taking our continually-saved-from-the-brink-of-annihilation lives for granted!

This post's theme word is myoclonic. That moment when you're nearly asleep and jerk awake is called a myoclonic jerk. I thought the End Times had come, but it was merely a myoclonic jerk... and what a jerk!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A very nice teaching compliment

After sitting a 3-hour final exam, one of my students (from a giant class of more than 180) came up to me, introduced himself, and said,
What are you teaching next semester? ... and can I take it?
I've been receiving lots of positive feedback on my teaching recently. This is the cherry on the compliment cake!

This post's theme word is asphodel, "an immortal flower said to grow in the Elysian fields." Your compliment is better than any asphodel!