Friday, December 3, 2010

Starry, starry moose

We made gingerbread moose and stars.
Hey diddle, diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the moose jumped over the moon...

This post's theme word is pibroch, "martial music with variations, to be played by bagpipes." The holiday moose frolicked to a pibroch in the snowy meadow.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Old Year's resolutions

Welcome to the last month of 2010. New Year's resolutions are common; I'd like to execute an uncommon plan. For December. This is a plan with an immediate deadline. Over the long course of a year, New Year's resolutions can become fuzzy and get lost. Things build up, to-do lists lengthen.

I propose to shorten them. To zero. By the end of December, I want to finish my to-do lists, either by achieving the items or by declaring them forfeit in to-do-bankruptcy. Wrap up projects I've been delaying. Write (or delete) the 90 draft blog posts hanging around. (Ha! Pity yourselves, readers.) Answer long-lingering emails. Mend clothing. Finish the semester.

Let's do it, people.

This post's theme word is doggo, "still and quiet" (adverb).
This post written like Cory Doctorow.