I went dressed in costume, and I watched family after family be turned away at the door. Truly, a heartwarming scene for supervillains. (My costume was noncommittal on the good/bad axis.)
This high demand was probably predictable. Other things that were predictable:
- major plot points hinged around Bob (Mr. Incredible) keeping secrets from his wife Helen (Elastigirl) AGAIN
- poop/farts played for jokes (it worked: the theater was full of kids who laughed at that)
- the supervillain is a completely non-magical normal person AGAIN
- the supervillain's goal is to destroy the credibility of superheroes AGAIN
- the supervillain is a super-smart technology inventor AGAIN
- plot repeatedly discusses super-suits, and super-seamstress Edna gets several quippy scenes AGAIN
- a character was motivated by the murder of their parents AGAIN, DISNEY? WHYYYY?
- public opinion fully reversed several times during the movie
- plot twists fully predictable to anyone above the age of 10
I liked that there was a subtle moment where a responsible person changed baby Jackjack's diaper mid-action-sequence. Blink and you'll miss it, but it happened.
I also liked that the message of the movie, which will maybe sneak in to the heads of children who repeatedly watch it, is that technology is easy to use to manipulate people, and we should all be aware of that when we use it. The movie explicitly says this, a few different times (mostly supervillain monologues, but still... true).
The movie tried to wink at adults by having plot points and jokes revolve around reversal of stereotypes, but there were just as many setups that relied on tired stereotypes, so for me this was a wash.
Also, a quibble of reality: this is a world with lawyers and class-action lawsuits against superheroes. How is it not also a world of insurance against superhero-level property damage? The characters explicitly discuss getting insurance for the damage their rescues incur. This problem is not very interesting, should be fully solved, and ... for the sake of authorial integrity... why is insurance being used as a motivator in this movie? Insurance and murdered parents are the new Disney tropes.
Overall it was cute and fun, of course, because the style is still adorable, cartoon physics permits anything, and at several points, people wield a laser-eyed baby and say "pew pew" to make him shoot lasers out of his eyes.
This post's theme word is zetetic (adj), "proceeding by inquiry, search, or investigation" or (n) "a skeptic or inquirer." I am a delighted but zetetic movie-viewer.