Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Boston Molasses Disaster

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the Boston Molasses Disaster, wherein a giant tank of molasses burst and caused immense destruction.

Fluid mechanics are fascinating. Here's a quick video with some light information about viscosity and the disaster:

This post's theme word is cunctative (adj), "delaying; slow." While the initial pressure drove a powerful and quick-moving wave, viscosity made the residue a cunctative challenge for rescuers.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Merry non-Christmas!

In the spirit of un-birthdays, merry non-Christmas to you!

Today's a pretty unexceptional day, so it's a great time to contemplate the infinite possibilities happening in parallel universes not our own.
Cartoon by Tom Gauld

This post's theme word is pernoctate (v intr), "to stay up all night", or "to pass the night somewhere." I passed the time with phantasms of present, past, and parallel realities, pernoctating while pondering possible payoffs.