Monday, October 17, 2011

Memories of autumn

The walk to campus each morning provides my gauge of the weather, the season, and local culture. This morning's walk was melancholy; the sidewalk had been cleared of fallen leaves, but their ghostly marks remain. Archaeology-like, I imagine the three-dimensional pile of leaves that left this image.

This post's theme word is esquisse, "a first sketch." This esquisse of autumn whispers of cold, windy weather to come.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Octohedron octopus

On my desk this afternoon, I found:
The note reads (in an unsteady hand),
Greetings from under the sea! I am not too good at writing I heard you are kind to the tentacled. I was teased for being green. I disguised myself as an octahedron to slip past the mathematicians, take me home? [wiggly octopus self-portrait]
So of course I grabbed that green tentacle and shook it in a firm handshake, welcoming it to come home to my (increasingly silly) collection of tentacled things. When everted, the purple octohedron becomes the ink in a green octopus.
Many thanks to A., who was ultimately responsible for the creation and delivery of this octopus!

This post's theme word is imbosk, "to hide," usually in a wood. Environmental limitations make octopus imbosking impractical.