Sunday, September 25, 2011

Birthday gifts!

I staged my birthday party as an exchange of sorts, wherein I lured people to my apartment with promises of cake. In return, I asked that each guest teach me something. The guests were creative and entertaining; many promised future lessons in X, since there was not enough time at the party for all the learning.

Here, then, is what my guests taught [promised to teach] me for my birthday:
  • how to belly dance
  • how to make ravioli
  • disappointment*
  • how to make Thai food (dish of my choice)
  • how to make metal plate armor (stop signs are apparently a good source of raw material)
  • how to break into a coke machine
  • how to make char cloth
  • that "gauche" and "wink" are cognates (and the derivations thereof)
  • how to make flammable gel from just 3 common kitchen products
  • how to tie knots or the true meaning of lust* (I chose knots!)
The starred items earned extra points for entertaining delivery. I'll write about each thing as I learn it, to keep you updated.

This post's theme word is bailiwick, "a person's area of expertise or interest." I look forward to learning about their bailiwicks.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Daaaaaaaark chocolate cake

I made myself a birthday cake. It was chocolate chocolate, with chocolate and chocolate-fudge frosting.
R. described the cake as "so dark that no light escapes it."

This post's theme word is nyctophobia, "abnormal fear of light or darkness." The cake was so seriously chocolaty that it invoked nyctophobia in most of the guests.